Event Name: TalkShowHost

At this point, many people have heard of salvia. They've either given it a passing glance at a smoke shop or watched hilarious YouTube videos of people drooling and making awkward moaning noises on all limbs. I think even Miley Cyrus has tried it, though, I don't really give a shit about her. And yes, I know that the title of the post has an error "saliva". When I drafted all these writings long ago it was a typo and I thought it was funny.


What do we know about it?

  • Scientific Name: Salvia Divinorum
  • Native Area: Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Original Purpose: to get fucked up and have visions, usually in the spirit of healing or divination for shamans local to Oaxaca
  • Plant Facts: Grows 3ft in height, blooms white, square stem, violet calyx
  • How do you get high?: smoke it
  • High type: disassociation, hallucination to the point of transporting somewhere else completely, visual and touch
  • Legal Status in California: Must be over 18 years old to purchase (as of March 2017), not fit for human consumption - see more info here

smoke able

When I was younger (YOLO), I tried salvia quite a few times because it was a "fun" thing to do with my friends for the time period. Possibly a resurgence of an old trend, salvia at the time (2008ish?) was all the talk among high schoolers and early college. The basic description you got from everyone that tried it my age was that "you got really fucked up and it was soooo sick". After trying it, I don't think this is the best way to describe it.

The first story I want to talk about took place at my parents house one of the summers back home in San Diego. My GF, dog, and I were hanging around at the house while my parents were on vacation for a couple of days. I had picked up some salvia earlier that day from a tobacco shop and we were getting those nerves you get right before you do something new. Not that it was my first time or anything, but it was my first time with her so I wasn't sure how she would be included in my trip or how I would be in hers. As mentioned from the "What do we know about it?" section, salvia really fucks you up. In the past I've had some heavily symbolic trips if you will, meaning that people or objects that I was familiar with would show up in my hallucination and I'd have to kind of deal with whatever way this person or object was presented to me. Meaning, you really don't have that much control with Salvia but generally an element (sound, people, objects) present around you can make an appearance in your hallucination. Back to my gf, could this cause some bad images to flow in our heads, sabotage our relationship? Probably not, but when I was YOLO and nervous trying a new thing with a girl I liked, those type of thoughts where totally valid questions in my mind. My dog was also there, he's always a champ and was providing a very nonchalant classic cool to the situation, per usual.

Anyway... We all sat down in the living room and pulled out the glass bong and set it on the table. Right next to it, we placed the small dime bag of Salvia Divinorum x5 or x10 - I can't remember. Apparently the times 5 or times 10 mean't how many times it was soaked and therefore more potent. I had known from experience that the best way to really go elsewhere was to take a fattymcfatfat rip from a bong, definitely surefire, every time. And I was a young daredevil still, so I was up for it and my gf wanted to experience it for her first time in a safe place the right way. I volunteered to go first to show her how to do it and see what it was like to observe a person under the influence. So I packed the bowl and got my lighter in hand. Thoughts began to rush to previous memories of the experience, the time for laughing was over, as I knew that things were about to get real. I pinched in a bit of salvia and lit it, watching the embers glow and eat away at the fresh herb. My girlfriend was staring at me as if something magical was going to happen right before her eyes. There's one classic saying I would use when doing this with friends and I repeated it as I said goodbye, "Whelp, here I go..." in a very nervous but playful voice as I inhaled the thick white smoke. As I sat there holding my breathe, I counted down the seconds until I would arrive in my unfamiliar land.

Brief intermission about salvia smoke. It's a very harsh smell and taste, where you have this feeling that you shouldn't have really put that in your lungs. Right before you are launched into a different dimension.

As I awake to my new drug induced reality, I can feel my head is a little heavy and things are blurry and unclear. My head feels like it's slowly coming out of a hole in the ground, where I can feel waves of energy pass through me, almost deforming me, as a slip in to the present space. What I'm presented with first is very confusing. For the first time ever on salvia the situation seems completely the same! I'm in my house, there's my dog, and that's my girlfriend. What the fuck is going on? I'm normally in space or a void lacking it with weird shit going on. But then, the bass dropped. Not literally, but these days that's how people might describe it.

I noticed that the room I was in may have been my house, but it certainly wasn't the state I left it in. It was oddly dark and nearly mute, the shadow of my girlfriend and dog loomed in the darkness. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, my gf gets up from the couch and we have the best sex ever...


Bright stage lights now visible from my peripheral switch on and illuminate the scene in a surreal glow. I realize now that I'm on a stage. Wires running everywhere like a rats nest and large cameras setup around us. In a moment of chaos, I begin to hear voices of stage hands and directors in the background rustling around and making commentary. Then, with a loud bang I hear the words "CUT!". A silence falls over the scene but the lights remain on with all their brightness.

I look to my girlfriend to make sense of this situation. She's completely frozen staring directly at me and my dog is too. She goes into motion a moment later and she says to me, "the show's over". She then gets up, grabs her purse, and leaves through the front door. Now I fall into deep thought about why the hell she just did that. It was as if we were just coworkers and our shift had ended. My thoughts were confirmed when my dog did the same thing. Yes - my dog fucking looked at me and SAID, "it's over" and walked out the front door.

Now here's that part where salvia really takes a shitty twist. The whole trip is about 10 minutes and then you get plopped back into reality with this fucking bombshell experience that you just had.

Although, the trip is 10 minutes. Where you go is timeless. With salvia, you still have memories of your previous reality but just like in real life you don't have control, you can't just escape reality whenever you feel like it. Fears filled my mind... Who are these people that resembled ones I've loved, kissed, cried with, spent years with? Had they really forgotten all the time we had spent together? Was it all a waste? Do I have to start over? And finally, did my dog just fucking talk to me? They were just actors on a set, paid to play a part, but when the director yelled cut it was all over. They would go home, I'd go to wherever I now belonged, and we'd be separate. Alone.

As this sunk in I began to paralyze in fear. I had a brief lapse of pure panic and the world began to change around me. The world hardened, became thicker, it felt like I became part of a claymation. What was different, however, was that there seemed to be no empty space. As if the 3rd dimension had been cut into little 2D slices and stuck together like a sticky note flipbook. I tried to move my arms but they were incredibly stiff. As I struggled you could hear this friction with the other 2D slices sliding together like tectonic plates. With each movement all connected planes also had to move as my world shifted in frames. The moment slow and silent like a person that has just drowned, the current carrying them as a weightless sediment.

I arrived back in the same way I came, a complete haze. As if blossoming back to reality. My gf looked concerned. I had drooled a little bit, one of the nice things about salvia. I wiped my mouth and smiled, extremely relieved that it was over. I was a little lost for words because my reality had been shattered. I knew that salvia was a dis-associative but the topic had never hit me in such a powerful way involving two things I loved, my dog and girlfriend. I asked her how stupid I looked while I was under. In a unsure voice she said, "you stood there moving your arms randomly, drooling and you moaned for a while". I couldn't help but laugh at this, salvia always makes the person doing it look like a total jackass to everyone present, meanwhile, they're being hurtled through a new twisted reality.

I'm sure some people have a great time with salvia. Hell, I continued to do it when I was YOLO because it brought me to such odd places, leaving me with so many questions. I've got one more story about salvia I'll share in a later post.

The Beast: raptor attack, rain, lights, nighttime dark, blue and purple, the last stick in chicka bang river,/fear - Sam Pancho Villa: the hill, poncho, cloud forest/dry land, grasslands, the log - Justin Goodbye friend: Lack of memory, the log of reason - Tim Fucking Saliva 2: Oh Brother: the tv screens, the drool, Clawing back, Come one Come All to the Merry-Go-Round of Life Choices The Comic, echolocation, and algae waves One Regret Mastah of Paranoia and Mountain Goats

Security Updates(apt-get updates) or Turnkey(install-security-updates)

run: apt-get updates

returns something like: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32

Fix: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32

Then: apt-get updates


Event Name: Tornado Rainbow

Key Events: Smoke on the water, the drain, the top, the squirrel

It was a sunny day at Stow Lake in San Francisco California. I had just finished taking a standard amount of fungus and discarded it in a trashcan across the street from the playground. There were long rolling grass hills leading through the park to the entrance of the hilltop. The green blades glowed, moving in waves along the hillside as I walked to a shaded region surrounding the pond. My stomach gave a strong churn as a passed a bench near the water. I considered, for a second, to just let it all go but remembered a friend telling me it would effectively end the experience, so I held it in. I began to see a vibration in objects that don't normally move so rapidly, like the 60 foot sequoia tree next to me, I realized that the magic was happening. I can't remember if this was the 1st or 2nd time I had ever done this but I still had nerves about it.

As my mind began to warp the environment around me my senses loosened and merged into a single sensory unit. Each of them weakened slightly but acted autonomously to collect the various distractions around me. I passed over a bridge and looked out into the world around me. I saw a large white swan boat with two people paddling from beneath the bridge, I thought about how terrifying it might be run in to one of those later, out of context, when my mind was gone somewhere else.

Wildlife in parks is great! However, not as much, when you're tripping balls. As I was walking the first bend of the route this demon squirrel appears from atop a tree. I say demon because his head seemingly twists 270 degrees to greet me when I first make eye contact with him. He's spazzing about the tree back and forth while not giving a shit how many times his head twists. I did the logical thing and began conversation with him, cursing him for being evil and threatening the balance of the trip. After a few confused stares from the other goers of the park I decide I should continue on my route.

I corkscrewed up and around the hill, now the landscape swirled implosively in random shapes and sizes and I recognized a strange sound consuming the other noises in the background.

It reminded me of a draining bathtub. As I continued up the hill the noise became louder and louder and that's when I began to hear a much different sucking noise coming from around a bend. Typing this out it sounds much more sexual than I imagined it would, oh well. Deep and violent the sound seemed to speak to me in warning as my defences raised and adrenaline seeped in to my system.

As I approached the ridge blocking my vision of the noise it only grew louder and more threatening. As the tension sunk in I closed my eyes for a breath of relief in preparation for this voracious sucking. What I opened my eyes to was a completely different environment.

The sun rays scarcely reach the ground in this new world, clouds had darkened the contrast of the scenery, and a thick layer of fog floated above the ground like a Halloween fog machine. I couldn't believe this change in environment, so I kicked around the fog to see if it moved like it should. It swirled around my legs and elegantly swept outward from my footsteps as I sloshed towards the source of the sound sucking at my soul.

I approached it slowly as my state of mind curved on to a darker path. I was pretty sure this was the end and I would be sucked into a watery oblivion to drown for eternity. A little drastic I know, but under the influence, it's hard to maintain grip on those dark thoughts if the scenery guides you towards them. Each step I took I felt a gravitational pull towards the noise as if sliding against my will. Meanwhile, there was still a thick layer of fog above the ground obstructing my vision of this monster. At this point I knew it was a drain but for god sakes it was so loud I had to see it for myself. One last step and I was on top of a solid metal grate, vibrating because the sound seemed to escape where everything else couldn't. I looked inside the drain and saw that it was draining a reservoir of rainwater about 20ft away and the sound was from a clump of leaves clogging the drain as the water rushed through. My tension subsided and I spoke out-loud in confidence, "It's just a fucking drain!" I had satisfied my curiosity and was ready for a peaceful break, so I headed up the hill to reach the top.

The ascension brought light and a calming breeze along with a beautiful blue sky busied with the usual cloud cover of San Francisco. Tangled roots rest above the ground and form a root jungle between the large Sequoia trees hovering above the peak. The change of scenery was much more pleasant and uplifting. The roots act as a safety net separating me from the previous transgression. I found a stump amongst the busy landscape to rest and digest all that I had taken in.

The Beast: raptor attack, rain, lights, nighttime dark, blue and purple, the last stick in chicka bang river,/fear - Sam Pancho Villa: the hill, poncho, cloud forest/dry land, grasslands, the log - Justin Goodbye friend: Lack of memory, the log of reason - Tim Fucking Salvia 1: TalkShowHost: tv set diana, woody, ridges of waves, stuck, dissected, partitioned Fucking Saliva 2: Oh Brother: the tv screens, the drool, Clawing back, Come one Come All to the Merry-Go-Round of Life Choices The Comic, echolocation, and algae waves One Regret Mastah of Paranoia and Mountain Goats

Chapter Two: Welcome To The Solar System

The Facts:

  • Pluto, our ex-9th planet has the largest moon in the Solar System
  • Pluto was the first American discovered planet
  • Beyond Pluto lies the Kuiper belt which contains the famous Halley's comet.
  • Pluto is .25% the size of Earth and has a highly irregular orbit compared to the planets of our Solar System, it is at times closer to Earth than Neptune
  • 1 AU(Astonomical Unit) is equal to the distance from the Sun to the Earth.
  • 1 AU = 1.58128451 × 10-5 light year = 149,597,871 kilometers
  • The average distance between stars is 30 million million kilometers
  • Pluto was considered a planet in 1999 and dismissed as a planet in 2006


The Solar System and surrounding larger bodies are not always being watched. Scientists study sections of interest while amateurs attempt to catch a glimpse of nearby celestial bodies that their telescopes can manage to capture. In the early 1920s an astronomer named Percival Lowell was attempting to discover a mystery "Planet X" beyond Neptune that was a gas giant larger than Jupiter. He died in his attempt to find the giant, but 13 years later Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto.

Space is immense and our solar system is but 1 trillionth of its entirety. We launched the Voyager space crafts in August and September of 1977 and they are now traveling 56,000 kilometers an hour via sling shots of gravity from a special alignment that occurs once every 175 years between our gassy giants(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). If we were to represent the true scale of our solar system with Earth the size of a pea, Jupiter would be 300 meters away and Pluto would be 2.5 Kilometers. Our nearest star Proxima Centauri would be 16,000 kilometers away. Beyond our planets and the dwarf planet Pluto lies the Kuiper belt and beyond that is the Oort cloud that stretches 2 light years outward.

Frank Drake devised an equation to determine the chances of advanced life in the Cosmos. Under even the most conservative inputs the number of advanced civilizations within just the Milky Way was calculated to be in the millions. The average distance between these civilizations was calculated to be at least 200 light years away.

Zoom In Solar_System


Basic Definition: The circle of fifths is a visual representation of the relationships among the 12 tones of the chromatic scale(1), their corresponding keys signatures(2), and the associated major and minor keys. Below, you see the geometrical representation of relationships among the 12 pitch classes of the chromatic scale in pitch class space(3).


Digging Deeper

Going around the circle, each pitch is 7 semitones(half steps) higher than the last. At the top you see C Major and it has no sharps or flats at the bottom 6 flats/6 sharps.

Clockwise - As you move clockwise by ascending fifths you gain 1 sharp until you reach the bottom for 6 sharps at F Sharp/G Flat.

Counterclockwise - In the opposite direction you are descending fifths and instead of sharps they're flats. To pass twelve tones in this direction you have to ascend by perfect fourths(5 semitones) rather than fifths(7 semitones). You will find this comparison more often in Jazz music while the ascending fifths is often used to analyze classical music.

Enharmonic key signature(equivalent notes) - At the bottom of the circle, the sharp and flat keys overlap giving you pairs of enharmonic key signatures.

The circle and diatonic key signatures:

The circle can be used to represent the relationship between diatonic scales(4) where each letter represents the major scale with that note as tonic. In example, the major scale of D has 2 sharps. Minor scales as noted in the example above are rotated 3 letters counterclockwise to calculate sharps/flats. For any major key, a scale can be built beginning on the sixth degree(relative minor key) containing the same notes.

Example: G-Major scale(G-A-B-C-E-F#-G) is enharmonic to the e-minor scale(E-F#-G-A-B-C-D-E)

When playing remember that the major key you are in is one half-step above the last sharp you see in the key signature. Since diatonic scales contain seven pitch classes they share six of their seven notes so it's easy to move between scales(modulation). C Major -> G Major = F-C-G-D-A-E-B -> C-G-D-A-E-B-F#

Instrumental Examples: Start at any key on the piano and count seven keys to the right. Those 7 keys are equal to 7 semitones or half steps and also equal to 5 steps within a major or minor scale.

Tones in all keys:


(1) Chromatic Scale

(2) Key Signature: A set of sharp or flat symbols placed together on the staff. They designate the notes that are to be played high or lower than the corresponding natural notes and applies through to the end of the piece or up to the next key signature.

(3) Pitch class space: is the circular space representing all the notes or pitch classes in a musical octave. The different pitches are represented by a single letter in class space(ex: C = C4,C5,C6).

(4) Diatonic Scales: the diatonic scale is composed of seven pitches and a repeated octave. It includes five whole steps and two half steps for each octave. The two half steps are separated from each other by either two or three whole steps, depending on their position in the scale. The 7 pitches of any diatonic scale can be obtained by using a chain of six perfect fifths. C-major example: F-C-G-D-A-E-B

Chapter One: How to Build a Universe

The Facts:

  • 1 light-year(distance light travels in 1 year) = 9460730472580800 metres (exactly) ≈ 5.878625 trillion miles ≈ 63241.077 astronomical units ≈ 0.306601 parsecs
  • During the big bang temperatures were at 10 billion degrees
  • Main initial ingredients: hydrogen and helium with a hint of lithium
  • After 3 minutes of the initial bang 98% of all matter was produced
  • Universe is 13.8 billion years old
  • The visible end of the universe is 90 billion trillion miles away(~100 billion light years across)
  • The Universe doubled every 10^-34 seconds under the inflation theory proposed by Alan Guth


The Universe started as a infinitely small singularity with space only inside and nothing outside of it, space is created as it expands. In a single second it expanded massively and after a few minutes it is billions of miles wide.

Ancient cosmic radiation exists from the beginning of the universe and was discovered by two scientists testing equipment for bell with a large communications antenna. They were attempting to receive a clear signal but would always get noise, what they didn't realize was they were intercepting cosmic radiation in the form of microwaves from the beginning of the universe postulated by George Gamow(Russian scientists).

The chances that the universe turned out correctly for life are slim. If gravity had been slightly stronger or weaker then elements and conditions created would have been different and may not have been able to support life. Therefore, scientists agree that universes occur often if not infinitely and there are multiple universes in history even though we understand only one time and one t=0.

Scientists predict 3 possibilities for future of the universe:

  • Closed: Gravity will end up being too strong and the universe will collapse on itself and shrink back to a singularity.
  • Open: Universe will continue to expand until everything is so far apart reactions no longer occur and everything becomes stagnant and "dead".
  • Flat: The "Goldilocks effect", everything is just right and the Universe will eventually stop expanding allowing things to exists to no end.

The Universe is endless in that a person who believes the Earth is flat would end up walking around the Earth and arriving in the same place.


Hello, I'm going to be reading Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything. Each chapter will be a separate post with basic facts of the chapter displayed at the top then a summary of what I think is important below.


OS: Linux(Debian) User: root

note, remove nzb user and replicate process for ntfs share for sabnzbd user

Useful links: https://gist.github.com/joshenders/4181257 http://www.nasdestruction.com/tutorial-installing-debian-squeeze-sabnzbd-sickbeard-couchpotato-headphones-d-link-dns-320-dns-325/

Install Git:

apt-get install git-core

Create user for Sab and make symbolic link from source to sabnzbd home:

useradd --system --shell /bin/false --no-create-home --home /home/sabnzbd sabnzbd
ln --symbolic /usr/src/sabnzbd /home/sabnzbd

Download Sabnzbd Source:

cd /usr/src/
git clone git://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.git
chown --recursive sabnzbd:sabnzbd sabnzbd

Install Dependencies:

apt-get install python python-cheetah python-configobj python-feedparser python-dbus python-openssl python-support python-yenc par2 zip unzip

Install Special version of Unrar(non-free):

pico /etc/apt/sources.list

Add to top: "http://http.us.debian.org/debian wheezy main contrib non-free" then:

apt-get update
apt-cache search unrar
Note: unrar - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
apt-get install unrar

Download Config files for initializing Sabnzbd(sabnzbdplus.default and sabnzbdplus.ini) - Note: designed for "sabnzbd" user:

cd /usr/src
git clone git://gist/github.com/4181257.git

Install init scripts(just downloaded):

cd /usr/src
cp sabnzbdplus.init /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus
cp sabnzbdplus.default /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
chmod +x /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus

Take Ownership of sabnzbd directory(as sabnzbd user):

cd /usr/src
chown -R sabnzbd:sabnzbd sabnzbd/

Edit Hostname and port for SABNZBD at startup:

pico /etc/default/sabnzbdplus

Change: Hostname: Port:8080

Start Sabnzbd:

/etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus start

Navigate to: ipaddress-running-sab:8080

Add Sab to default runlevel:

update-rc.d sabnzbdplus defaults

Normal Response - update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing

Install Sickbeard, Couchpotato, Headphones, and Transmission

git clone git://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard.git

To install CouchPotato run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer.git

To install Headphones run the following command:

git clone git://github.com/rembo10/headphones.git

Allow each of these applications to right to their own directory as sabnzbd user:

chown --recursive sabnzbd:sabnzbd CouchPotatoServer
chown --recursive sabnzbd:sabnzbd headphones
chown --recursive sabnzbd:sabnzbd Sick-Beard

Create symbolic links to home directory:

ln --symbolic /usr/src/CouchPotatoServer /home/CouchPotatoServer
ln --symbolic /usr/src/headphones /home/headphones
ln --symbolic /usr/src/Sick-Beard /home/Sick-Beard

Once those are installed you can start each service by running the following commands :

python Sick-Beard/SickBeard.py -d
python CouchPotatoServer/CouchPotato.py --daemon
python headphones/Headphones.py -d

You can access each service once started by typing the IP address of your NAS into your web browser and using the following ports for each service:

SickBeard on port 8081 ( yourNASIPHere:8081 ) CouchPotato on port 5050( yourNASIPHere:5050 ) Headphones on port 8181 ( yourNASIPHere:8181 )

Re-Own after first run as as it was originally run as root and created additional files:

chown --recursive sabnzbd:sabnzbd CouchPotato
chown --recursive sabnzbd:sabnzbd headphones
chown --recursive sabnzbd:sabnzbd Sick-Beard

Config Sickbeard to start on Startup:

cd /usr/src/Sick-Beard
cp init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/sickbeard
chmod +x /etc/init.d/sickbeard

Configure Defaults file all for Sickbeard

nano /etc/default/sickbeard
update-rc.d sickbeard defaults

Configure Defaults file all for CouchPotato:

cd /usr/src/CouchPotatoServer
cp ubuntu /etc/init.d/couchpotato
cp ubuntu.default /etc/default/couchpotato
chmod +x /etc/init.d/couchpotato

nano /etc/default/couchpotato

# COPY THIS FILE TO /etc/default/couchpotato

update-rc.d couchpotato defaults

Configure Startup settings for headphones:

cd /usr/src/headphones/init-scripts
cp init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/headphones
chmod +x /etc/init.d/headphones
nano /etc/default/headphones
update-rc.d headphones defaults

Configure URL Bases for Proxy(apps must be shut off when editing config files): At the top of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/"mainsite" make sure to add ProxyPreserverHost On Sickbeard - in config - /sickbeard CouchPotato - in web - /potato Headphones - in config must be off - /headphones Sabnzbd - auto

Configure Auto-Mount in Virtualbox for sabnzbd user:

adduser sabnzbd vboxsf

Updating Sabnzbd:

cd /usr/src/sabnzbd
sudo -u sabnzbd git pull

Installing Sonarr:

apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys FDA5DFFC

echo "deb http://apt.sonarr.tv/ master main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sonarr.list

apt-get update

apt-get install nzbdrone

To Start: mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe

Default Port/Site: http://localhost:8989

OS: Linux(Debian) User: root

UNIX/Linux has no per-user permissions/rights/policies. Everything is done on files, making sure who can read/write/exectute the right files. To check the current permissions of files, run "ls -l". If you run "ls -l /", to list all files in the root directory, you will get output that looks something like this:

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 2003-07-15 22:41 bin
drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root         1024 2003-07-16 03:26 boot
drwxr-xr-x   20 root     root       118784 2003-07-16 03:32 dev

The first column (that looks like drwxr-xr-x) is the mode of the file. The first character indicates what kind of file it is. d, as in this case, means directory. - means regular file, and then there are some other file types of which you need not know more now, like named FIFOs, sockets, devices, etc. The rwxr-xr-x is the permissions of file. The first rwx means that the owner of the file can read, write and execute the file. For directories, the right to execute it means the right to use it. Just being able to read a directory means that you can read what files are in the directory, but you won't be able to use them without the execute permission on the directory. The first r-x means that those that are in the same group as the file have read and execute permissions to the file.

The second r-x means that all those that are neither the owner of the file nor are in the same group as the file have read and execute permissions on it. So r=read, w=write and x=execute, and the first group of three applies to the owner of the file, the second group applies to those in the same group of the file, and the third group applies to all other users. The second column (2, 4 and 20 in this case) is the number of links that the file has. Don't care about that for now. The third column is the owner of the file, in this case root. The fourth column is the group of the file, in this case the root group.

The fifth column is the size of the file. The sixth is the time the file was last modified The seventh is naturally the name of the file.

Picture Summary:


chmod /change the permissions of a file/

chown /change the owner of the file/

chgrp /change the group that the file belongs to/

example: chmod 777 somefile.file /*

This gives exe write and read to all */ not recommended for any file.

for chmod here is a list of the numbers and what they meen

the 100's are for the owner of the file 400 read 200 write 100 execute

10's are for the group of the file 40 read 20 write 10 execute

1's are for everyone else 4 read 2 write 1 execute

you add the number together to get different permmisions

Example: How to change owner and owner group of a file

chown -R sabnzbd:sabnzbd sabnzbd/
  • -R: Recursive, own directory and all contents

How to add a user to a group:

usermod -a -G <groupname> username

Change user's primary group:

usermod -g <groupname> username

What group user is assigned to:

id <username>

View all groups:

groups or users

Add new user and assign group:

useradd -g <groupname> username

Add single user to multiple groups:

usermod -a -G ftp,admins,othergroup <username>

Assign user a password:

passwd jsmith

Add a group:

groupadd <groupname>