Relevance: Get a list of properties for a type

properties of type "operating system"


name of <operating system>: string
release of <operating system>: string
version of <operating system>: version
build of <operating system>: string
architecture of <operating system>: string
machine of <operating system>: string
windows of <operating system>: boolean
unix of <operating system>: boolean
mac of <operating system>: boolean
embedded of <operating system>: boolean
major version of <operating system>: integer
minor version of <operating system>: integer
build number of <operating system>: integer
build number high of <operating system>: integer
build number low of <operating system>: integer
platform id of <operating system>: integer
csd version of <operating system>: string
service pack major version of <operating system>: integer
service pack minor version of <operating system>: integer
suite mask of <operating system>: operating system suite mask
product type of <operating system>: operating system product type
product info numeric of <operating system>: integer
product info string of <operating system>: string
performance counter frequency of <operating system>: hertz
performance counter of <operating system>: integer
ia64 of <operating system>: boolean
x64 of <operating system>: boolean
metric <integer> of <operating system>: integer
boot time of <operating system>: time
uptime of <operating system>: time interval

Relevance: Using information for a type

    x64 of operating system



This is because x64 is within the evaluated information of the type "operating system", specifically "architecture".

As seen here:

    architecture of operating system



    Evaluation time: 0.040 ms

Slightly more complicated example:

build number low of operating system < 9300 and architecture of operating system contains "x86" or architecture of operating system contains "64"

Mixed with light amount of action script:

if{build number low of operating system < 9300} 
wait cmd.exe /c mkdir "C:\Users\ewoelfel\Desktop\Tivoli"

Log File Locations

* Windows: C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\__Global\Logs
* Unix/Linux: /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/__Global/Logs
* /Library/Application Support/Bigfix/BES Agent/__BESData/__Global/Logs